后半段几乎全程泪目 看到Ian把最后一个“Share my life with him”也打上勾真的忍不住了 从渴望父亲的爱到慢慢理解哥哥长久的陪伴丰满少妇张开大白腿摄影图片不仅仅这一路上通过选择走哪条路来学来的信任、通过魔法桥时的步伐学来的勇敢、放弃了车子去堵路学来的牺牲还有最后让哥哥去见爸爸而学来的放下执着啊皮克斯在跟我们探索什么是亲情的基础上也一直教导我们怎么去成长虽然最后的拥抱是哥哥给的 但我想只要也足够爱Ian 那个臂弯的力度和胸口触碰的温度 一定都是同样的温暖真好PS我永远爱迪士尼我永远爱皮克斯
The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.